The United states Senate has challenged both the government of Cameroon and Anglophone separatist to pursue an inclusive dialogue to resolve the crisis in the North West and South West regions of of the country.
The House in a resolution has also requested government forces and armed separatists to respect the fundamental rights of human beings in the restive regions.
In same document, the lawmakers enjoined the two warring factions to agree on an immediate ceasefire and guarantee unfettered humanitarian assistance.
The Senators observed that fierce fighting between the military and separatist fighters have deprived many communities in the Anglophone regions from getting humanitarian assistance despite worsening war situation.
The Resolution 292 of the US senate meanwhile urged the government of Cameroon “…to exercise restraint and ensure that protests remain peaceful and engage in inclusive dialogue with civil society to get to a political solution that respects the rights and freedoms of the people of Cameroon”.
They have also Condemned extra judicial killings committed by government forces,Boko haram terrorists and ambazonia fighters.
They say the said groups are responsible for illegal detentions,use of force against non-violent civilians and protesters and have violated the freedom oc press,expression,religion and assembly of citizens.
Elsewhere in the resolution, the lawmakers Urged the government to initiate a credible,inclusive,good and full-faith effort to work with all parties towards meaningful dialogue.
In the meantime, government has been called upon to conduct operations in accordance with human rights standards.
While calling for the release of all political prisoners, the US senate requested the government of Cameroon to ensure that school boycott in the North West and south west regions of the country comes to an end by ensuring a peaceful and conducive atmosphere that can sufficiently guarantee studies.
Following the brutal killing of US missionary in Bambui in the North West region of Cameroon, the senate challenged the government of Cameroon to work with United States law enforcement to thoroughly investigate and prosecute Charles Wesco’s murderers while urging the armed groups in the Anglophone regions to peacefully express their grievances and release all persons kidnapped and detained.
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