Officials from the Limbe fishery office have asked that a huge sea creature washed ashore be pulled to their office.
They intervened moments ago after locals rushed to the scene eager to see the over 4.5 metre-long sea creature, which many believe to be a shark.
“Gendarmes had to fire gunshots in the air to disperse the crowd, some had to flee, several others were unmoved. Personally I could not stay there any longer,” narrates a source in Limbe.
The owner of the net in which the shark was found is said to have been claiming ownership of it while some locals of the seaside town had rushed with buckets to have a piece of it.
“… It is rare to see a creature like this. It is actually strange even to us who work in the sea,” testified a fisherman who like hundreds of other Limbe residents, turned up to have a glimpse of the sea animal.
Authorities, he added, “will surely want to carry out investigations thinking that we actually killed it.
Officials have, however, asked to have the fish for proper examination.
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