The government delegate to Bamenda city council, Vincent Ndumu Nji has called on Ambazonia fighters to value human life and stop the killings of other human beings all in the name of fighting for the restoration of ‘independence’.
The government delegate while at the Bamenda Commercial Avenue ceremonial ground in the course of the installation of the new SDO of Mezam knelt while delivering his speech.
Speaking principally in pidgin English, the government delegate said nothing can justify the killing of human beings in Bamenda and the rest of the region.
He lamented over the number of villages burnt in the north west and South West regions, other material destructions carried out in the course of the war and the absence of school in the greater part of the anglophone regions of Cameroon for three years.
however the man who ignored mancho Bibixy when he began complaining against the poor state of social amenities in Bamenda failed to publicly condemn military atrocities in the region.
In the same vain, the governor of the North West region called for the observation of a minute of silence in remembrance of a Paul Nwana ;a police officer beheaded last sunday, Florence Ayafor and all those that have died as a result of the war. Adolph Lele L’Afrique called the people to patiently wait for implementation of resolutions taken during the just ended national dialogue in Yaounde.
On the installation proper of the SDO, mayors of Councils in Mezam division expressed disappointment over the administration of the out going SDO Songa Piere Rene. To them, he retarded the process of development of the division by refusing to approve development projects designed by councils.
To Simon Emile Mooh new SDO of Mezam, the governor challenged him to maintain peace and encourage development in the division. Adolph Lele L’Afrique thanked the out going SDO Somga Pierre Rene for his service.
Mimi Mefo Info.