A tragic incident unfolded in Bamenda this morning when a bike rider, known as Wum Boy, lost his life due to a fatal gunshot fired by a police officer at Commercial Avenue. The incident occurred after Ambazonia separatists shot and killed two police officers.
Reports indicate that Wum Boy was partaking in a funeral procession alongside fellow bike riders. They were getting ready to move the body of their late colleague from the Bamenda Hospital Mortuary to Awing Village for the funeral. According to witnesses, Wum Boy was seen wearing a gown similar to the attire of the separatists who had carried out the earlier attacks.
Neba, a taxi driver who observed the incident, told MMI how it happened.
“I noticed him in Nchuoboh, where bike riders were preparing to transport their colleague’s body from the mortuary,” he said.
According to eyewitnesses, during the bike riders’ journey through the town, a tragic incident occurred where a police officer fatally shot Wum Boy. The officer’s decision to shoot is still shrouded in uncertainty, but many believe it would have been a case of mistaken identity.
This incident represents yet another sorrowful episode in the ongoing turmoil in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon, where confrontations between security forces and Ambazonia separatists have been growing more frequent. The tragic death of Wum Boy is expected to intensify emotions in the city, adding to the already complex dynamics of the region’s conflict that residents are trying to understand.
Local authorities have not yet provided an official statement about the incident, leaving uncertainty about how this event will affect the delicate security situation in the area.