A well-known artist has disappeared with hopping a whopping 610,000frs assembled from several online thrift and loan schemes commonly called ‘njangi’ in the South West Regional headquarters Buea.
The information was revealed by some members recently, after the artist who goes by the stage name ‘Clean Heart’ failed to refund the money he benefitted as required by the scheme.
The furious members say the artist who has benefitted three times vamoosed with the money and cannot be reached via the regular phone numbers of the members.
“It is an online njangi where in we are grouped in a WhatsApp forum and money is contributed for each other via Mobile money.I was added to it and assured that it is genuine,” a member told MMI in an exclusive interview saying that, “The first leg was very successful and at the long run,this young man misbehaved” a member said.
Other sources say the artist has done same with two others njangis disappearing with 150,000 for one and 250,000frs for another.
“He is owing one online njangi 150,000frs and and our own 250,000frs” another victim told MMI.
Reports say he filed three names in the first njangi and disappeared after benefiting three times without contributing for others.
“He had three names and benefitted all. People contributed for him and he decided not to reciprocate,” she continued.
Clean Heart has according to members blocked everyone and boasted that those complaining have no evidence against him.
“When we approached him online, he said we have no evid against him.That is what provoked us to go public,” she went further.
She narrates that, “When we reached out to other artists close to him, we were told to get to his Facebook handle, ‘Clean Heart’ to know more about him.That is how we got his picture and posted before other people came up with thesame complains that he has been duping other groups and disappearing”
A MMI investigation has uncovered the mobile money number he uses for collection being 680781757 with the name Jude Wennong Teche.
By David Atangana