Professor Daniel ONA ONDO, President of the CEMAC Commission has in congratulating Paul Biya on his reelection urged him to urgently tackle the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon.
The CEMAC President on behalf of his institution writes:
Excellency the President of the Republic,
On behalf of the CEMAC Commission and on my own behalf, allow me to respectfully express my sincere and warm congratulations on your successful re-election to the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon.
Your accession to the Supreme Judiciary comes in a context marked by major challenges, including the crisis in the English-speaking regions and the economic crisis in the sub-region.
Also, I express the ardent wish that under your clairvoyant authority, Cameroon and its people, find the path of prosperity in a context of restored security and sustainable recovery of the economy.
In addition, I hope that your new mandate, which coincides with the forthcoming presidency of Cameroon at the head of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC), gives a new impetus to new impetus to the work of regional integration crucial for the economic transformation of our zone.
Please accept, Excellency Mr. President, the assurance of my highest and most honorable consideration.