Greetings to the Mimi Mefo Info Team! Thank you for being the voice of the voiceless.
I write to complain about the Ministry of Higher Education and Cameroon’s government’s ongoing efforts to marginalise Anglophones.
My kid registered and took the 2023 entrance test for “Polytechnique Yaoundé,” and according to ministry regulations, all applicants with 25 “A” Level scores should receive direct admission.
My son received five “A” grades (25 points) at the advanced level but was not chosen, which devastated us. Many Anglophones share this predicament.
Please help spread this information to alert the Cameroonian government to this extra injustice against an IDP Anglophone child who studied so hard to become an engineer but is being flushed out.
Thank you for this chance.
PV speaks for the voiceless on Mimi Mefo Info. Send your concerns via WhatsApp: +237679135573.
Please simplify your complaint.
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