A newborn baby named Ange Marie Benie was rescued from near-death situation in the Bonamoussadi, Bonanga neighborhood of Douala.
On the morning of Tuesday, August 20th, a local resident named Paulette discovered the baby covered in mud. “I was taking my son to holiday classes when he drew my attention to the baby lying by the side of the road. I then approached and alerted the neighborhood,” she told Equinoxe.
Residents have reported that the baby was abandoned around 2:00 a.m. Upon discovery, the child had endured heavy rain and was immediately wrapped in a towel by those who found her.
After being taken to the hospital, it was confirmed that the baby had no visible injuries but was struggling to breathe.
Thiery, another resident, shared, “When I arrived, the baby wasn’t crying. We took her to the hospital while other women provided clothes, a feeding bottle, and a water boiler to clean her. We couldn’t bathe her because she was very cold, so we just wiped her down.”
Following several tests and treatments, the attending nurse informed Equinoxe TV that all the results were fortunately negative. There is still no information about who abandoned the baby or their reasons for doing so. The residents have named the child Ange Marie Benie.