The CPDM party’s recent decision to boycott Equinoxe TV has not stood well with all the elites of the party. According to Professor Charlemagne Pascal Messanga Nyamding, the CPDM would only be shooting itself in the foot by boycotting Equinoxe TV due to its extremely wide audience.
“To say that we are going to boycott the sets of Equinoxe TV, which is the most watched channel internationally is counterproductive for the CPDM,” he declared boldly.
The CPDM had expressed its desire to boycott Equinoxe TV after they accused the media house of giving the floor to a lady who gave in false testimony in context of the Anglophone crisis.
The woman, Stephanie Djomo who was invited to share her story on “Paroles des Femmes” was later on arrested and detained by the police in Douala after it was claimed investigations had proven her statements on Equinoxe TV as completely false. Stephanie Djomo had testified to have lost her two daughters due to the conflict in the Anglophone regions.
Djomo claimed fire exchanges between the Amba fighters and the soldiers forced them to the bush of which she lost her children in the process.
The CPDM had demanded for a public apology from Equinoxe TV for what they say was a misleading interview that was aimed at swaying public opinion, or else the party was going to boycott the media house, an opinion that is not shared by Prof Messanga Nyamding.