Tensions have escalated between Ivorians and Cameroonians after Mayole Francine, a Cameroonian influencer currently in Ivory Coast for the AFCON game, made a video highlighting the dusty conditions in the host country.
The Ivorians, displeased with the content of the video, are now calling for the deportation of Francine, citing her remarks as disrespectful to their nation.
“I was told that there is no dust here on Ivory Coast. Are we here in Yassa?” she said humorously in the video.
“We are in Abidjan, and everywhere is dusty. Dust on us all,” she added.
However, Ivorians perceived her comments as derogatory, especially considering her origins in a country with similar environmental challenges.
“This lady needs to be thrown out of Ivory Coast. We do not need such negativity, especially at this moment when efforts have been made to beautify the country for the AFCON, only for someone to come and tarnish it,” expressed an angry Ivorian.
“Look at someone who comes from a very dirty and dusty country like Cameroon coming here to criticise us,” added another Ivorian.
“It’s because of people like this that Africans constantly fight each other. Ivory Coast is almost the same as Cameroon in almost everything. I don’t understand this lady’s comment about the dust here, as if it were strange to her.”
Cameroonians, seemingly harbouring a long-standing unresolved issue with Ivorians, have taken it upon themselves to defend Francine.
“Our in-laws should chill. Our star Francine did nothing wrong in remarking about the dusty nature of Abidjan. Besides, she was only joking and meant no harm,” defended a Cameroonian on Facebook.
“Mayole Francine is going nowhere. She will stay in Ivory Coast until the AFCON is over. Is it a secret that the Ivory Coast has a lot of dust? Did we not all see it?” added another Cameroonian.
This incident follows the recent deportation of Algerian football supporter Sofia Benlemmane on January 16 after she made derogatory remarks about Ivory Coast in a video. Following this incident, the Ivorians are now gathering to demand Francine’s departure.
The historical friction between Cameroonians and Ivorians, despite their cultural similarities, continues to play out on social media, with the situation remaining tense at the time of this report.