A bomb explosion has killed a boy cutting off the hands of his brothers.
According to one of the victims, “We were returning from the farm. My brother saw something which looked like a ball. Out of curiority, he picked it but as we tried to really examine what it was and discovered, it was a little stronger than a normal ball.Then we decided to bounce the ‘ball’. It exploded killing my brother and cutting off my two hands. One hand of the other boy equally cut off”. The little boy of about ten years explained while on a hospital bed.
The incident, Tuesday July 2nd 2019 has created psychological fear in the minds of the people.
The two boys with hands amputated are receiving medical attention in an undisclosed medical facility.
To some inhabitants of Lebialem Division, the military has been planting explosives in farms and other strategic places to kill separatist fighters. Allegations Mimi Mefo Info cannot independently confirm at the moment.
Some critics hold that the identity of those planting the bombs remain unclear given that restoration forces three weeks ago claimed responsibility of an explosion in Otu village Eyumojock sub division in the South West, that left four policemen dead and several others wounded.
A greater part of Lebialem Division in the South West is controlled by a group of Ambazonian fighters called the ‘Red Dragons’.
The war for the restoration of Ambazonia statehood degenerated from the use of peace plants on civilian protests in 2016 to outright use of guns and today explosives.
Mimi Mefo Info