A poignant tale of heartbreak and betrayal has emerged from the life of Moses Steven, a Nigerian man whose marriage crumbled under the weight of the infidelity of his cheating wife. After eight years of what he thought was a solid union, Steven found himself piecing together the shards of his shattered life, reflecting on a journey that strayed far from the vows of “for better or for worse.”
Steven’s story began with a promising start, marrying while employed as a support engineer in Ajah. However, just three months into their marriage, he was abruptly shown the door by his employer. Despite this setback, Steven remained steadfast in his role as the head of the family, taking on various odd jobs, from bricklaying to failed attempts at photography, to ensure his family’s survival.
Amidst his struggles, Steven’s wife was engaged in an affair with another man, a betrayal that would ultimately devastate him. The birth of their first child in 2018 was a sign of their union’s success, but two years later, he learned that the child was not his own, quickly overshadowing the happy occasion. The discovery came during a hospital visit when the child’s illness led to the revelation of a genotype inconsistency.
“At this point, I was confused,” Steven recounted. “She first told me it was the enemy that was doing us harm through the boy. I didn’t believe, and at the same time, I didn’t argue with her. I started doing my research to see if AA and AS could produce SS.”
Despite spending all his savings and accruing significant debt to care for the child he believed to be his own, Steven’s suspicions grew. He sought solace in prayer and fasting, but nothing changed. Unable to afford a DNA test initially, Steven finally sought assistance from a friend, who directed him to a Justice Court offering free paternity tests.
The results, unveiled in December, confirmed his worst fears: he was not the child’s father. Yet, his wife remained evasive, refusing to comply with the court’s orders for a maternity test. Despite his efforts, Steven found himself abandoned by both his wife and her family, who even had him arrested for failing to provide financial support for the child.
As doubts lingered about the possibility of a hospital swap, Steven recounted his presence during the child’s birth, making such a scenario seem unlikely. “It may be possible, but the chances are slim,” he reflected.
The pain of betrayal runs deep for Steven, who had embraced his wife’s child from a previous relationship as his own. Now, facing homelessness and burdened by debt, he reflects on the wreckage of his marriage with a mix of sadness and anger.
“Leaving me with so much debt, sadness, and anger, today I had nothing to show for all the hard work I have done during the past years, and I have to rely on family and friends for my daily meals,” he lamented. “I am hardworking, and I will do anything legally to get my life back on track.”
Sharing his story on X, Steven hopes that others contemplating marriage will heed his cautionary tale. “I am not writing this story for any gain, financial advice, help, or support, but for all men to learn a thing or two from my story as a committed husband and father,” he emphasised.