By Amina Hilda
TasteAtlas has classified the Cameroonian dish Ndole as the 47th best casserole dish in the world. This makes it the only other African dish to make the list after South Africa’s bobotie, which is ranked 11th.
TasteAtlas food rankings are based on TasteAtlas audience ratings, with a variety of techniques that recognise real users, dismiss bot, nationalist, or local patriotic ratings, and give extra weight to ratings from users the system recognises as knowledgeable.
There were 2,949 ratings recorded for the “50 Best Rated Casseroles in the World” list till May 24, 2023, of which 1,895 were recognised as authentic by the system.
TasteAtlas Rankings should not be regarded as the definitive worldwide food decision. Their mission is to promote good local foods, build pride in traditional recipes, and pique people’s interest in dishes they have not experienced before.
Listed on the TastAtlas site this year, the famous traditional Cameroonian dish is among the top 50 best casserole dishes in the world at the moment.
Ndole is a Cameroonian dish consisting of stewed nuts, bitter leaves, and fish or beef.
The sauce is mostly served with plantains, cassava, rice, cassava paste (miondo or bobolo), and many others.