The sacredness and dignity of human life is no longer respected in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon since the 21st of November 2016.
In a Lenten Pastoral letter to Christians and the people of Cameroon, the archbishop and auxiliary bishop of Bamenda in the North West decry the triviality under which human beings and the dead are treated in these restive regions.
As concerns human beings, the letter signed by Bishop Cornilius Fontem Esua Archbishop and Bishop Michael Miabesue Bibi Auxiliary bishop of Bamenda, human beings prey on one another with the rampant profanation and disrespect of human life and dignity.
The north west and the south west have been marked by daily violence characterized by confrontations between the military and ambazonia fighters. These two groups, the Catholic men of God say have no respect for man, the ultimate creature of God Almighty.
Quoting Genesis 1:27 “God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God who created him male and female he created them”, the archbishop and the auxiliary bishop of Bamenda illustrate how the life of man created in the image of God no longer has value in the eyes of those who kill.
In the mist of tension between the military and Ambazonia fighters, innocent civilians are killed with impunity.
Beside this, extra judicial killings, the attack of hospitals and other medical facilities have almost become normal.
It’s common place to see either fresh corpses or decomposed ones abandoned along the road, nearby bushes, in houses or family compounds with family members that most often don’t have the opportunity to mourn as human nature requires.
No Respect for the dead:
“The tradition of the church says, the dead must be treated with respect and charity in faith and hope of resurrection “.
This Lenten pastoral letter says does not longer exist in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon today.
People are not only killed indiscriminately but bodies mutilated with body parts like hands, legs and head cut off and displaced in public places as if to say trophies of war.
Archbishop Cornilius Esua and Bishop Bibi have stated that human life remains sacred from conception to natural birth with man that originates from God and returns to God when he dies.
During this period of lent, leaders of the catholic church in Bamenda call upon all the faithful and people of good will to pray together, reason together,
decide together, and act together, so that the truth may prevail and the sacredness and the dignity of human life be respected.
The pastoral letter equally request the authorities of Cameroon to value man created in the image of God by taking decisions that will stop what the Archbishop and the bishop of Bamenda call “ …senseless and fratricidal war”.
Dominic Meme Nwakimo.
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