In Yaounde IV, Cameroon, a two-year-old kid lost his life on Wednesday when he fell into an abandoned hole while playing with his four-year-old sibling.
The two youngsters were playing at a nearby house when the event took place in the Nsam area. The younger youngster was unable to be saved when he fell into the hole, which was roughly 10 feet deep.
The boy’s corpse was found after rescue personnel were sent to the location. He may have drowned, although the cause of death has not been made public.
The catastrophe has devastated the neighborhood’s residents. Many individuals have sent their condolences to the victim’s family.
It is tragic that this tiny kid passed away. It serves as a reminder of the risks associated with abandoned pits and the necessity of taking preventative measures to safeguard kids. Such holes should be clearly marked and well-covered in compounds where they exist.