The Divisional Officer for Kumba I Sub-Division, Saffo Roger, has announce auction sale of food items to the population tomorrow at the Kumba Main Market.
The move has been considered by many as a means to fight ghost town.
The population of Kumba has been prevented from stepping out of their houses throughout the weekend by gun-toting soldiers.
The move is to implement the two days administrative lockdown imposed by Meme SDO, Chamberlin Ntou’ou Ndong.
The SDO in an outing to evaluate the effectiveness of his two days lockdown yesterday refused Christians from worshiping across Kumba today.
He said the population should remain in their houses and worship because God answers prayers everywhere.
The administrator in the course of his tour yesterday told the population through the press to join him fight the lockdown and ghost town phenomenon instituted in his area of command by separatist fighters.