A special UN adviser against genocide Adama Dieng demands an urgent investigation into the killings in the north west and south West regions of Cameroon.
Dieng said the continues and deepening killings in these regions are disturbing and the Government and Ambazonians must negotiate to stop the blood bath.
The U.N diplomat affirmed that that crimes committed by the government and separatist on the people of the two English speaking regions will be invested and perpetrators duly punished, because non of them is above the law.
Dieng, UN expert on genocide affirmed that over 400 people have been killed and still being killed in the north west and south west regions. He said the kind of crimes committed in these regions are hard to explain, thereby warranting tougher and special measures to end the crisis.
Apart from the arbitrary killings in the north west and south west, genocidal or summary Killings videos have emerged from other conflict hit areas of Cameroon, notably the far north region, implicating the Cameroonian military. The government of Cameroon, however proceeded to the arrest of soldiers suspected of the killings.