04 pages. No less. To relay the grievances to Awa Fonka Augustine, the Governor of the West Region. The Mayor of the town of Foumban is on a rant after yesterday’s incident at the installation of the Divisional Officer (DO) of Noun Division. In a correspondence she sent out on Wednesday, she lays down the “missteps” of the Governor of the West Region.
First, she believes that denying the Mayor the floor as the administrative authority tried to do yesterday is against the values of the Republic. Moreover, her speech was not included in the programme. PATRICIA Tomaino NDAM NJOYA says the governor’s protocol “ignored the word of welcome” of the elected official. According to the mayor’s letter, the Governor felt that he had come to install the DO and not “listen to the speeches.
The current president of Cameroon’s Democratic Union party believes that the Governor has found himself “off topic” by allowing the Minister Delegate of Transport into Noun, whose sector of activity had nothing to do with the ceremony. The Mayor then revealed that the Governor only tried to give her the floor after having celebrated his “actions” and those of the Bamum Sultan, Ibrahim Mbouombou Njoya. All of this points the Mayor, shows that the Governor believed himself in a political meeting.
Finally, the Mayor responded to the supposed threats of the Governor who would have had a hard time handling the force of the population who came to the support of the elected mayor yesterday. Patricia Tomaino Ndam Njoya warned that if the governor’s “delusions” continue, the defiance will take on a “greater character”.
But the Mayor especially asks that Awa Fonka Augustine, the Governor, tenders an apology to her for having on the one hand said that the incident in Foumban is due to the “overreaction” of the Mayor, in what she considers an act of “mysoginy”; but also because the Governor would have referred to the Mayor’s husband – Dr Adamou Ndam Njoya, simply as “your husband”.
In this correspondence, there are also recriminations about the overall situation of Noun Division. According to the Mayor, the Governor has a responsibility for the resurgence of insecurity, the cultivation of marijuana and the immoral trafficking of human bones in the division.
As a reminder, the Mayor of Foumban led a slingshot of supporters, to accompany her speak yesterday at the installation ceremony of the Divisional Officer of Noun’s ceremony. The administrative authorities had tried to stop her from making a public address which is always art of the programme for such public ceremonies.