Sources in Yaoundé, say ten persons have been picked up by security officers from Mokolo market.
They were arrested on Monday evening, a week after a second improvised explosive device (IED) went off at the market in broad daylight.
“10 people who sell by the roadside have been arrested this evening in Mokolo market, precisely at the Carefour Sapeur pompier where the bomb exploded on 12 July,” a source told MMI.
The traders, our source added, “were arrested by the police men who dress like civilians.”
Before the arrest, some uniformed officers visited the area and lingered around for at least one hour.
The traders, it is speculated, were arrested for disobeying instructions given them not to sell at the site.
On Tuesday morning, they were all taken to court. “Those who were arrested yesterday evening in Mokolo Market have been taken to court this morning,” our source told us, adding that there is general atmosphere of fear in many.
Authorities in Yaoundé it should be recalled continue to battle roadside traders (hawkers), as part of its campaign against urban disorder.
In many markets and areas in the town, security and council agents continue to combat the ambulant traders, chasing them from the roadsides and streets.
Mimi Mefo Info