Honorable Jean Michel Nintcheu of the Social Democratic Front has expressed his disgust at the correspondence sent to the American Congress by some Cameroonian Members of Parliament.
According to Hon. Nintcheu, the letter will only serve to further fan the flames of discord amongst Cameroonians as well as further prolong the Anglophone crisis in the Northwest and Southwest Regions.
Hon Nintcheu was equally more upset for the fact that the Anglophone crisis has never been really discussed in Parliament, yet resolutions adopted by other nations are being blocked.
“I mark my astonishment at the approach of certain fellow signatory deputies who seem to be concerned about their personal, selfish, and egocentric interests to the detriment of the populations of the north-west and south-west. To date, the National Assembly has never debated this question in a plenary session. Even less put it on the agenda of a single parliamentary session,” he expressed.
Hon. Nintcheu also expressed particular surprise at the inclusion of some SDF MPs as signatories to the letter.
“It is amazing to see a petition so abject in content, being signed by fellow deputies between two parliamentary sessions and, moreover, less than two weeks before the opening of the next March session,” he stated.