Mark Bareta has responded to an invitation he received to participate in the upcoming National Dialogue in Yaounde. In an 8 page document, the activist appreciated the Prime Minister’s gesture to get him participate in the discourse, stating that he sincerely appreciates the move.
Despite this however, he said, “the presence of third party enforcers/mediators is of prime necessity for justice to be respected and seen to be done” he said. Citing examples like the UN, AU, USA, Norway, Germany, Ghana and other strategic world stakeholders, Bareta added that “attracting
credibility from both camps must be present to ensure that peace, a transitional authority over the war zone and down the line friendly neighbourliness is returned as per our individual territorial integrity”.
“As a result of all these Mr. Prime Minister, I want to honour your invitation but you will agree with me that after reading this truths herein stated, you will come to the conclusion with me that I cannot in all good faith honour your invitation
because there have been no conducive preconditions to make these negotiations to take place as truthful as possible” he noted.
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