Eight Commissions have been put in place to discuss issues throughout the course of National Dialogue set to run from the 30th of September to October 4th 2019. He was appointed this Wednesday, September 25, 2019.
According to Dr. George Ewane, official spokesperson of the national dialogue, the commissions are:
-Cultural diversity
-Reconstruction and development
-Decentralization and local governance
-Demobilsation, Disarmament and Reintegration.
Each commission will comprise of about fifty members selected on competence basis. According to the official spokesperson of the national dialogue, not everyone received in the course of pre dialogue consultations by the Prime Minister will be a commission member. They will comprise of law makers, businessmen, the diaspora, defense and security services, opinion leaders, religious leaders amongst others.
George Ngwane adds that over one hundred and fifty national and international journalists have been accredited to cover the one week event. The appointment of George Ewane described by critics as President Paul Biya’s praise singer, comes as a surprise to many. In one of his commentaries, he likened Paul Biya to Jesus Christ. His statements provoked social media outrage.
Mimi Mefo Info.