The minister delegate in the ministry of the economy, planning, and regional development, Paul Tasong, is on day two of his working visit to Bamenda.
During day two of his visit this Wednesday, Minister Paul Tassong is expected to meet with the university community at the University of Bamenda.
During day one of his visit, Paul Tasong talked about the Ring Road, which cuts across five of the seven divisions of the North West region.
The Ring Road project was promised to be constructed by the government some four decades ago. Early this year, the government signed a more than one billion partnership agreement with the African Development Bank for the project.
Despite this, the visiting Minister Delegate in the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development told the people of this region that the ring road will only be completed when the people turn their backs to insecurity.
Paul Tasong revealed that for the past few months, the ministry of the economy has proceeded to sign a series of conventions with the African Development Bank for the construction of the ring road.
“That agreement is what the North West stands to benefit but we all know the challenges that come with delivering the project”, Paul Tasong said.
He also declared that “that project will stay on paper if the people of the North West region don’t sit up and face the challenge of security”, he declared.
He also said if the people of the North West want that project to be delivered, it is impending on them to stand up as one man and say No to insecurity and they will have the project.
He also announced during day one of his visit to Bamenda a nationwide 10-year economic development plan which he described as a significant step towards the government’s 2035 emergence vision.