The imposition of a three weeks complete lock down of all activities in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon has been condemned by the leading humanitarian body assisting victims of the Anglophone crisis.
The Ayah Foundation from a humanitarian standpoint sees this as “adding more pains on the already suffering people of the Anglophone Regions of Cameroon”.
“Ayah Foundation has
been receiving calls from suffering people in Manyeme and other parts of Nigeria to deliver foodstuffs and other things. But because of the lockdown we can’t move. Do you expect these needy people to be happy with those who live in their comfort zones abroad and give instructions at ground zero?” he questions.
Ayah Ayah Abine, Coordinator of the Ayah Foundation questions why leaders abroad, fighting for the restoration of Southern Cameroon could take decisions that bring pains to the people they claim to be fighting to liberate from the hands of the regime of President Paul Biya.
“You cannot shut people in their houses for three weeks and expect them to be happy,” Ayah Ayah Abine told Mimi Mefo Info in a voice of anger and disappointment.
To him, the policy advisers of the struggle have lost their sense of humanity.
On what can possibly be the repercussions of such a decision of shutting down all activities for three weeks, Ayah Ayah Abine thinks the people might one day rebel and rise against those taking decisions that work against their interest.
A lockdown to run from Monday August 26th to September 16th, 2019, the Ayah Foundation is of the opinion that no matter the reason of the lockdown the timing is inappropriate. To officials of the foundation, the people in the restive regions have no money to store food in their houses to go through the close do a month lockdown.
Ayah Ayah Abine concludes that “…it is a stupid decision that can only come from greedy and wicked minds”.
However, as to when the announced Lockdown goes into effect, Mimi Mefo Info could not get exact dates from Ambazonian leaders. While August 26th is being advanced, others say the Lock down is due to effectively begin on September 2, 2019 when classes resume.
We are still monitoring the situation on the ground.
Mimi Mefo Info