In the early hours of the morning, a devastating incident unfolded, resulting in the loss of one life. Rescue teams are currently engaged in a relentless effort to evacuate the remaining individuals and evaluate the complete scope of the destruction. The atmosphere in the well-known Dirty South neighbourhood in Buea is heavy with sadness following a tragic incident that led to the partial collapse of a hostel in the early hours of Tuesday, February 13th.
As per eyewitness reports, the building that tragically collapsed was home to a significant number of residents, including several students from the nearby University of Buea. The cause of the collapse is still under investigation.
Amid the chaotic scene, some eyewitnesses have sadly confirmed the tragic loss of a female puff-puff vendor who lost her life in the rubble. The vendor, whose identity remains undisclosed, was unfortunately caught in the collapse while carrying on her daily business.
Emergency operations at the scene is being provided by the neighbourhood who are working together to coordinate rescue efforts and offer medical assistance to the injured individuals. Reports indicate that a number of residents are currently being evacuated and swiftly transported to medical facilities for urgent treatment. The exact number of individuals affected is still being determined.
The tragic incident has deeply affected the Buea community. There are still numerous unanswered questions as investigations continue, and the city of Buea is left dealing with the aftermath of this tragic event.
As the situation continues to develop, expect MMI to keep you informed with the latest updates on the ongoing rescue efforts, the investigation into the collapse’s cause, and the impact on the affected individuals.
Furthermore, it is crucial to highlight that:
This story is still unfolding, and the details provided may be updated. The investigation into the cause of the collapse is ongoing. The official release of the identities of the victim and those injured is still pending. This incident serves as a reminder of the critical role that building safety regulations and their enforcement play.
Our deepest condolences go out to the family of the victim, as well as to those who were injured and impacted by this tragic incident.