A cartel of businessmen in Cameroon known by its French acronym GICAM is demanding am immediate presidential decision that will instill order between them and the Cameroon taxation service.
In a letter signed by the President of GICAM and addressed to President Paul Biya on the 16th of January 2020, GICAM boss, Celestine Tawamba identified what he calls “wisdom of the president” to bring order and safe the economy.
The letter titled “The collapse of confidence between the director of taxation and enterprises in Cameroon”,Celestine Tawamba enumerated several ‘administrative huddles’ put in place by Modeste Mopa Fatoing;director of taxation in Cameroon.
To Celestine Tawamba, the director of taxation has since 2018 persistently refuse to issue vital administrative documents to enterprises in Cameroon.
To the president of GICAM, this has greatly affected investment in Cameroon. Besides this,the head of GICAM pointed that Cameroon taxation department has been practicing “wrong billing” of enterprises that are counterproductive to the economy of the country.
Other cases of administrative irregularities portray by the director of taxation according to Celestine Tawamba include hostility against members of GICAM and the creation of unnecessary tensed work atmosphere.
In the letter, the representative of GICAM regrets that the head of taxation is not aware of the economic consequences of his actions to enterprises and the economy of Cameroon as a whole.
Concluding the two page letter, Celestine Tawamba reminds and at the same time alerts president Paul Biya that despite his determination to fast track the economy of the country, some of his collaborators like the director of taxation are practicing the contrary on the field.
At the time of this report, Modeste Moupa Fatoing, director of taxation has not reacted to the letter that presents him as a major stumbling block to Cameroon’s economy.